Dr.Rachel Brown is noted for her leadership, integrity, and passion for all things Māori and manaaki tangata. She has significant experience in health, social services, research, education, iwi and community experience.
Michael Naera
Michael Naera
Michael’s leadership to maintain the focus and course to achieve the right thing remains. He tino rangatira tēnei – not only does Michael have the skills and attributes of being an emerging leader, but he also has the mana to be a great leader.
Dr Tess Moeke-Maxwell
Dr Tess Moeke-Maxwell
Tess believes that the end of life and dying are important opportunities for us to release the past, forgive, be forgiven, and to love without conditions.
Tania Papali’i
Tania Papali’i
He toa taumata rau
Courage has many resting places.
Dr. Alexander Stevens II
Dr. Alexander Stevens II
Almost twenty years later, Alexander has used his passion and knowledge of addressing historical sexual violence trauma, mental illness, addictions, and well-being to support Māori and Pacific communities across Aotearoa, where he has worked with over 3,500 men with childhood experiences of sexual violence.
Roma Balzer
Roma Balzer
Roma Balzer CNZM has dedicated over 40 years to working in family violence interventions, primarily in strategy roles
Hata Temo
Hata Temo
Ko Maataatua te Waka
Ko Maungapōhatu te Maunga
Ko Hinemataroa te Awa
Ko Tūhoe te Iwi
Dr Dianne Wepa
Dr Dianne Wepa
He toka tūmoana he ākinga nā ngā tai
A standing rock in the sea, lashed by the tides (Kawharu, 2008)
Hingatu Thompson
Hingatu Thompson
In 2018 Hingatu accepted the role of Chief Executive Officer Manaaki Ora Trust.
Kataraina Jean Te Huia
Kataraina Jean Te Huia
Jean Te Huia (Ngāti Kahungunu) is a well-known advocate for Māori health, particularly maternal and child health.
Cazna Luke
Cazna Luke
Cazna Luke is dedicated to enabling whānau, hapū, and tribal aspirations, firmly believing in their ability to shape their own destinies.
Riana Manuel
Riana Manuel
Riana strongly believes that we must change now so that our tamariki and mokopuna have a better future.