Kuputaka Glossary

haurongo biography
kākano rau multicultural
korero nehe history
pāhekoheko interact
puipuiaki rare, precious, treasure
tāwai deceive, ridicule, deride
topenga ataata video clip
whatitua region
whakataruna pretend, make believe

Areas of Expertise


Academics are professional thinkers and communicators. They are writers, speakers, innovators, teachers and leaders and can do this through a wide range of platforms, such as journals, books, blogs, lectures and seminars (public and teaching), videos, podcasts and more. Academics endeavour to contribute to improvements in practice, influence a new generation of professionals, and develop innovative ways of thinking about some of the key issues in their field.
Cited from Hope, 2013. See https://www.theguardian.com/higher-education-network/blog/2013/nov/13/ac...


The term ‘addiction’ is used as a generic term to include substance (alcohol and other drugs, including tobacco) use and gambling disorders. The aim of addiction services is to support recovery and wellness and minimise the harm that addiction can cause.
Cited from Matua Raki: https://www.matuaraki.org.nz/uploads/files/resource-assets/a-guide-to-the-addiction-treatment-sector-in-Aotearoa-New-Zealand-June-2014.pdf

Community health and wellbeing

Community health and wellbeing workers are often leaders in their own communities and act as a key link between specialist health knowledge and theory, and the needs of communities. As Leaders they are engaged in achieving what is essential for individuals and communities to reach their full potential. 
Cited from the Ministry of Health: https://www.health.govt.nz/our-work/public-health-workforce-development


Health education is any combination of learning experiences designed to help individuals and communities improve their health, by increasing their knowledge or influencing their attitudes.
Cited from WHO: http://www.who.int/topics/health_education/en/


Governance is about creating capacity so that Māori are able to participate fully in Te Ao Māori and the economic, political and social development of Aotearoa New Zealand. These leaders contribute at governance levels to ensure the health development capacity for Māori within Aotearoa.

Health and Wellbeing Leadership

Those people who lead, direct, motivate and change the New Zealand health sector towards greater health and wellbeing of community and individuals.

Health Management

Health managers plan, direct and coordinate health related services. They might manage an entire facility or a specific area of a department, organisation, or service.
Cited from: https://www.bls.gov/ooh/management/medical-and-health-services-managers.htm

Health Professional

Health professionals maintain people health through the application of the principles and procedures of evidence-based medicine and caring. Health professionals study, diagnose, treat and prevent illness, injury and other physical and mental impairments in accordance with the needs of the populations they serve. They advise on or apply preventive and curative measures, and promote health with the ultimate goal of meeting the health needs and expectations of individuals and populations, and improving population health outcomes. They also conduct research and improve or develop concepts, theories and operational methods to advance evidence-based health care.
Cited from Transformative Education for Health professionals: http://whoeducationguidelines.org/content/1-definition-and-list-health-professionals

Health Promotion

Health promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health. It moves beyond a focus on individual behaviour towards a wide range of social and environmental interventions.
Cited from WHO: http://www.who.int/topics/health_promotion/en/

Lived Experience

Leaders in this area, are people who have personal experience in Māori health issues and are concerned with using their specific ‘lived’ expertise, knowledge and skills to enable change, awareness and understanding.  Such leaders may not necessarily have formal qualification in these areas and are regarded as experts nonetheless due to their lived knowledge.

Māori models of practice

Leaders engaged in this field of work are focussed on changing the paradigms of health to align with Māori health views and cultural practices to improve engagement with services and support for Māori.

Matauranga Māori
Medical Practitioner

These leaders are active practitioners. Upon meeting the specified requirements, as a health professional this specific type of individual is accredited, licensed, and or registered and practice healing. This may be in the identifying or preventing or treating of illness or disability.

Mental Health

People engaged in work for the purpose of improving an individual, family or community’s mental health. This includes a wide range of professions. For example:

  • Medical doctors     
  • Academics     
  • Policy makers     
  • Social workers     
  • Psychologists     
  • Community based services

Midwives work in different ways but they all contribute to the safe and effective maternity services in New Zealand.


The role of the nurse is diverse and no one day is the same. Nurses spend a lot of time talking to families, about illness related factors and a broad range of things that may impact a person and their wellbeing. This might include:

  • health assessment     
  • monitoring and education     
  • rehabilitation     
  • crisis management     
  • case management     
  • coordinating a person’s care     
  • liaising with other disciplines, agencies or other involved parties 

Cited from Canterbury DHB: http://www.cdhbcareers.co.nz/Nursing/

Policy and Legal

These leaders are involved in change and justice. Their work involves advising governing bodies of their obligations and favourable changes to the systems that guide directive outcomes. These leaders may have a political or legal background and experience which they use to advocate for the people, towards positive outcomes and self-determination.


Leaders in this area are focused on the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mental, emotional and behavioral disorders. Psychiatric services can be provided from a range of professions that may include:

  • Psychiatrist (medical doctor)     
  • Psychiatric nurse/mental health nurses     
  • Kaiāwhina 

Cited from American Psychiatric Association: https://www.psychiatry.org/patients-families/what-is-psychiatry


Health Research seeks to explain, understand and support those who have experienced health distress. The research helps to inform future development of health policy, law and service delivery.

Rongoā Māori

Rongoā Māori is traditional healing [practices] compris[ing] many different techniques including, mirimiri (bodywork), rākau rongoā (native flora herbal preparations), and karakia (prayer). 

Suicide Prevention

People working in suicide prevention generally aim to promote protective factors and reduce risk factors for suicide, and improve the services available for people in distress. This typically involves a multidisciplinary approach made up of individuals, families, whānau, communities, employers, the media and government agencies to promote protective factors and reduce risk factors known to influence suicide.
Cited from the Ministry of Health: http://www.health.govt.nz/our-work/mental-health-and-addictions/working-prevent-suicide/understanding-suicide-new-zealand

Te Reo Māori

Leaders in this mātauranga area promote the use of, and use Te Reo Māori, in their life and work as an integral aspect of health and wellbeing


Leaders in this area specialise in Māori practices to ensure that processes are done correctly and ensure cultural safety for services providers, individuals and communities.

Whānau Ora

Whānau Ora is driven by Māori cultural values. Its core goal is to empower communities and extended whānau to support the community context rather than individuals within an institutional context.

Workforce Development

Workforce development is an area that is dedicated to growing the skills, capacity and service delivery of the health workforce. Māori workforce development leaders are committed to building the Māori health workforce to maximise Māori health gains.


Youth workers support young people, work with them and their families, help them build healthy connections, and give guidance in health, education, training and employment.
Cited from CareersNZ: https://www.careers.govt.nz/jobs-database/health-and-community/community...