Kōnae ipurangi Podcasts

A call to hold fast to our culture for without our language; without the land; without the spirit of being tangata whenua; our essence would be dimished
We're excited to introduce the Toitū Hauora Podcast series for 2024!
The Toitū Hauora Māori Health Leadership Conference was set up by Tā Mason Durie as an annual event to support current and aspiring Māori Health Leaders to share their journey, celebrate Māori innovation and success while creating a space for leaders in Māori health to prioritise and plan for the future.
This year, we're going digital e te Iwi! Making it easier for you to connect, learn, and develop – no matter where you are! So stay tuned, because #ToitūHauora is coming to you!
The underpinning driver of all our podcast discussions in this series has been the tongikura of Kiingi Tuheitia Pootatau Te Wherowhero VII; ''Amohia ake te ora o te iwi, ka puta ki te wheiao :
A timely reminder from Kiingi Tuheitia that the health and wellbeing of our people always be paramount”.
Moe mai rã e te Kiingi.
Tuheitia ki te rangi.
Ngãwai Hono i te Põ ki te whenua!