Heather has worked as a midwife over the last twenty-five years and is currently working at Te Aka Whai Ora
Leilani Maraku
Leilani Maraku
Leilani Maraku develops and delivers Kaupapa Māori Mental Health & Addiction peer support services throughout the Manawatū region for adults, youth, and their whānau.
Bridgette Masters-Awatere
Bridgette Masters-Awatere
Alongside her mahi in health, she has been a leader in Kaupapa Māori Psychology studies.
Mike King
Mike King
Mike King is a Māori leader in mental health.
Wi Te Tau Huata
Wi Te Tau Huata
The myriad of stars glimmer down across the dark night
Professor Linda Waimarie Nikora
Professor Linda Waimarie Nikora
Ko te pae tawhiti, whāia kia tata
Ko te pae tata, whakamaua kia tinā
To seek new knowledge as yet unexplored
Cherie Seamark
Cherie Seamark
The spirit of giving is in her DNA. With her much-loved kuikui playing a prominent role within Te Ātiawa ki Whakarongotai, the importance of community, whānau and fostering a sense of belonging is intrinsic to her identity.
Ruahine Albert
Ruahine Albert
Ruahine Albert is passionate about social justice and works in local, national, and international government and community services to improve the well-being of survivors of violence.
Jeanine Tamati-Elliffe
Jeanine Tamati-Elliffe
Jeanine actively contributes to advancing well-being aspirations for her whānau, hapū and iwi Māori.
Michael Naera
Michael Naera
Michael’s leadership to maintain the focus and course to achieve the right thing remains. He tino rangatira tēnei – not only does Michael have the skills and attributes of being an emerging leader, but he also has the mana to be a great leader.
Dr Tess Moeke-Maxwell
Dr Tess Moeke-Maxwell
Tess believes that the end of life and dying are important opportunities for us to release the past, forgive, be forgiven, and to love without conditions.