Sarah Kinred

Ngāti Whātua, Waikato, Ngāti Koata, Te Atiawa, Manx

E hoki ki uta kia tau koe ki te pae o Rehua,

E tū, ka huri koe,

Ka titiro whakawaho,

Kia kite koe e tāu ara”

“Return to the center that is the dais of Rehua,

 Upon reaching it, stand and turn to face the pathway you have tread.”

Nā Hohepa Delamere (2002)

Sarah Kinred is a trained teacher with over 20 years of experience teaching and creating programs for students.  Sarah also has over ten years of experience working as a Mātauranga Māori specialist within mental health and addictions, and she is committed to ensuring that tino rangatiratanga and mana motuhake is paramount for Māori, especially when engaging in the health system.  Māori deserved to be served right; however, they decided to look for their oranga and the oranga tonutanga of future generations. 

Currently, she works as the Kaitiaki Mātauranga Māori within Te Whānau Whakangungu at Te Rau Ora. She provides safe wānanga spaces for Māori and Tauiwi to reflect, learn and grow from each other.  Sarah also supports innovative and creative thinking to be a part of the solutions within the Māori health and wellbeing sector.

The team of Clinical specialists and Mātauranga Māori specialists that is Te Whare Whakangungu provide wānanga, training and education to practitioners within health, social services, and education sectors. Sarah is currently the programme manager of Kaitiaki Ahurea and He Puna Whakaata. She was also the lead kaiako of the 2022 Matatini Ora Level 6 Diploma Māori Health – Mental Health and Addictions cohort.

In 2022, Sarah was appointed as the Ngāti Whātua ki Ōrākei representative at ProCare Health Limited Board. This a mana whenua position appointed by her hapū.  The team that appointed Sarah said they value her leadership ability and recognise her expertise as Mana Whenua.


ProCare announces appointment of Tangata Whenua representative to its Health Limited Board.

Te Rau Ora - Sarah Kinred

ProCare Announces Appointment Of Tangata Whenua Representative To Its Health Limited Board

He Rangatira Our Leaders

Chloe Fergusson-Tibble

Te Hikutu, Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairoa

From a young age, Chloe Fergusson-Tibble aspired to become a doctor. Throughout her studies, she maintains a steadfast commitment to incorporating Māori healthcare approaches by staying connected to her whakapapa.

Neta Smith

Ngati Kuri, Ko Te Aupouri, Ko Ngaitakato, Ko Ngatikahu, Ko Ngati Rehia me Te Rarawa

Ko Neta Smith toku ingoa

Ko Jesse MuruPaenga toku Matua

Ko TePaia tai Puhi roa Maaka toku Whaea

No Oturu / Muriwhenua ahau

Dr Maria Baker

Ngāpuhi, Te Rarawa

Dr Maria Baker has gained over 20 years of expertise in healthcare, mental health, and social care workforce development for Māori.

Boyd Broughton

Te Rarawa, Ngā Puhi, Tainui, Ngāti Porou - Born in Auckland, raised in Hokianga

Since 2003, when Boyd Broughton began his career in health with Hāpai te Hauora, he has supported te ao Māori within health services through various roles in NGOs, government agencies, tertiary institutions, local councils, Marae Committees, and other community groups.