Kirimatao Paipa

Ngāti Pōrou, Ngāti Whakaue, Ngāti Tukorehe

Kirimatao Paipa is a trailblazer in kaupapa Māori development, celebrated for over 30 years of dedication to whānau-centered approaches, te reo Māori revitalisation, and social service transformation. She combines academic excellence with grassroots activism, championing cultural identity and resilience through education, research, and advocacy.

Kirimatao inspires many in her leadership and governance role as Kaitiaki, He Whare Wahine – Te Rau Ora.  The program is focused on restoring the mana of wāhine Māori, reconnecting them to cultural roots, and fostering well-being in whānau, tamariki, and community. This role is a testament to her lifelong commitment to empowering wāhine and revitalizing traditional practices.  Kirimatao is also the Director of Kia Maia Ltd - a consultancy providing evaluation and research services across government, iwi, and community organisations, promoting transformative change for whānau Māori.

Kirimatao continues to strive for excellences, and this can be seen in her Academic Achievements and contributions to Kaupapa Māori Development:

As a qualified Pouako for Te Ataarangi, Kirimatao has spent decades teaching te reo Māori and tikanga, initiating programs like the first bilingual Four Square in Tokomaru Bay. Her efforts have inspired businesses nationwide to adopt bilingual practices.

Kirimatao has collaborated on transformative projects, including:

  • Evaluating Māori-medium beginning teacher retention for the Ministry of Education.
  • Developing strategies for Māori health and social outcomes, including Māori-led housing and health initiatives.
  • Contributing to publications on kaupapa Māori evaluation and spirituality in research.
  • Te Ahu o te Reo Māori Programme (2019) – Strengthening te reo Māori delivery in schools.
  • He Tapu te Whare Tangata (2019) – Researching strategies for cervical screening among wāhine Māori.
  • Te Pae Oranga (2019) – Evaluating iwi justice panels for the NZ Police Association.
  • Co-authored multiple influential works on Māori evaluation practices and cultural values in research, featured in international publications.
  • Supported the development of language strategies in Tokomaru Bay and Te Hiku o te Ika.
  • Established and ran kōhanga reo-based wānanga, empowering whānau through education.

Kirimatao contributes to national and international organizations, including:

Kirimatao embodies mana wāhine, advocating for Māori sovereignty through a balance of traditional values and contemporary methodologies. Her leadership is grounded in humility, a deep commitment to whānau development, and an unwavering belief in the transformative power of te reo Māori and tikanga.

Through her work, Kirimatao continues to shape a brighter future for whānau, amplifying their voices and ensuring their needs remain central to policies and practices across Aotearoa.

A proud māmā, tamāhine, and advocate, Kirimatao exemplifies mana wāhine, enriching her community with every step of her journey.

Nei rā a Kirimātao Paipa - Māmā, tamāhine, kōkā, hoa, kaikaranga, kaihāpai i te reo me ōna tikanga, kaikōkiri i te rangatiratanga o te tangata. He wahine toa, he tipua, kaiwhakaatu i te mana wahine.


Talking with Kirimatao Paipa - Community Research Article

Kirimatao Paipa’s scientific contributions - Research Gate publications

Wairua and cultural values in evaluation – Evaluation Matters—He Take Tō Te Aromatawa Journal article

Te whakapapa o te reo i roto i te whānau.– MAI Review Journal article 2010

Māori Medium Initial Teacher Education Outcomes (2012) Ministry of Education, Katoa Ltd. (2012). Māori Medium Initial Teacher Education Outcomes

Hāhā-uri, hāhā-tea: Māori Involvement in State Care 1950-1999 Reference: Savage, C., Moyle, P., Kus-Harbord, L., Ahuriri-Driscoll, A., Hynds, A., Paipa, K., Leonard, G., Maraki, J., Leonard, J. (2021). Hāhā-uri, hāhā-tea - Māori Involvement in State Care 1950-1999. Report prepared for the Crown Secretariat. Ihi Research.

Profile By

Updated 30 December 2024

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Ngāti Hine, Ngāti Kawa

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Ngāti Mutunga o Wharekauri, Ngāi Tahu

"Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini."

My achievement is not that of the individual but the contributions of many.