Jude Porteous


Jude Porteous is passionate about supporting those struggling with mental health using therapy supported by nature and animals.

Jude knew growing up that she wanted to become a social worker, however, life took its course.  Jude finally pursued her social work degree at 46 years old and found the experience of studying to be life-changing and fulfilling. After acquiring a farm and realising its healing potential, she decided that working from the farm would be incredible. She then completed her degree, studied Animal-Assisted Therapy, and established Fossil Creek Farm Trust.

As a co-founder, Jude continues to work as a social worker at the trust alongside other qualified social workers. The farm spans 100 acres and is home to 150 animals. It serves as a safe space and healing sanctuary for tangata whenua while also aiming to restore the native whenua, flora, and fauna.

The trust offers well-being wānanga, group therapy, and individual therapy for rangatahi, wahine, and tane. Nature and animal therapy are integrated into the experience, focusing on preventing suicide and providing support.


The Tasman therapy farm where alpacas, horses and miniature donkeys work their magic

Fossil Creek Farm Trust – profile

He Rangatira Our Leaders

Professor Sue Crengle MBChB PhD FRNZCGP FNZCPHM

Kāti Māmoe, Kāi Tahu, and Waitaha

Much of her work involves identifying where and how Māori health inequities occur and testing ways to eliminate these inequities.

Emeritus Professor John Broughton

Ngāi Tahu, Ngāti Kahungunu-Ki-Heretaunga

Emeritus Professor John Broughton has dedicated over 30 years to Māori oral health, injury prevention, and Kaupapa Māori research methods. In recognition of his services to Māori health, theatre, and the community, he was appointed a Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit in the Queen's Birthday Honours in 2016.

Chloe Fergusson-Tibble

Te Hikutu, Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairoa

From a young age, Chloe Fergusson-Tibble aspired to become a doctor. Throughout her studies, she maintains a steadfast commitment to incorporating Māori healthcare approaches by staying connected to her whakapapa.

Genevieve Simpson – Te Moananui

Ngāti Hako, Ngāti Tamatera and Ngāti Maru

In her work, Genevieve is committed to bridging the inequity gap between Māori and non-Māori, particularly in secondary mental health services; she would also like to see Māori whanau overrepresented in education and underrepresented in all other negative statistics.