Hineroa Hakiaha RNZcmpN, MNSc, FNZCMHN

Ngāti Awa, Ngāti Pūkeko, Ngāi Tūhoe, Ngāti Maniapoto, Ngāi Tahu

Ko Hineroa Hakiaha he wahine rangatira, he pou whirinaki mō ngā mahi nēhi Māori, e tautoko ana i ngā wawata ō tōna iwi me tōna hapori. Her journey as a nurse and leader is deeply rooted in her whakapapa, language, and tikanga Māori, reflecting her commitment to uplifting Māori health and well-being.

Hineroa’s nursing journey began at Waiariki Institute of Technology in Rotorua, where she graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Nursing in 1998. Her passion for mental health nursing led her to complete a Postgraduate Certificate in Mental Health at the University of Otago while working with Tūhoe Hauora in Rūātoki.

She further pursued postgraduate studies, earning a Postgraduate Diploma in Māori Mental Health Nursing at Wintec and a Master’s degree in Nursing Science from Victoria University in 2009. In 2024, Hineroa embarked on a Professional Doctorate journey at Te Wānanga o te Herenga Waka, Victoria University of Wellington, to advance her expertise in Māori health care.

Hineroa has held numerous significant positions, reflecting her dedication to Māori nursing and mental health:

In 2003, she was made a Fellow of the Australia New Zealand College of Mental Health Nurses for her contributions to the profession and later a Fellow of Te Ao Māramatanga (2007)

Hineroa’s dedication to Māori mental health and education is evident in her extensive contributions:

As a leader, Hineroa ensures that Māori nurses are supported in implementing Te Tiriti o Waitangi in daily practice, promoting equity and culturally grounded care.  Hineroa’s roles extend beyond professional leadership. Her advocacy for Māori students includes organizing the annual National Māori Student Nurses Hui and mentoring the next generation of nurses. She is deeply committed to her whānau, living and working in communities from Invercargill to Auckland, where she continues to prioritize her people’s well-being.


Waatea News Treaty relationship for top mental health role, July 13, 2020

Profile By

Tio Sewell, Kaiwhakahaere Wakahourua, Te Rau Ora, Ngāti Maru (2018)

Updated 31 December 2024

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