Dr Moana Eruera

Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Ruanui, Ngāti Rangiwewehi

Authentic - tikanga based - grounded - professional - insightful - hūmārie - pukumahi - real - mokopuna focused - driven - sets high standards - accountable...

It's a long list that still doesn't give justice to the life and mahi of Dr Moana Eruera. Over a number of years Moana has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to best quality tikanga based practice. While her work is increasingly known in the international research and indigenous social work community, she keeps it real and grounded. Moana is seen and known in her whānau, hapū, and marae for her commitment to mokopuna safety, sharing mātauranga and being what she talks about.

Her innovative research and collaboration with others creates pathways for taiohi voice and experience to be heard and brought to the attention of academics, policy makers, whānau, hapū and iwi. Integrating tikanga, social work practice and academic knowledge - finding co-workers who share the vision - building trust with taiohi - and addressing senstive topics such as intimate partner relationships - takes a special blend of skills. So does articulating and holding fast to kaupapa in a Wellington environment to inform policy, practice and legislation.

Two minutes on Dr Google and Moana's many presentations and papers pop up. The messages are consistent - faced with the most challenging of whānau circumstance we turn to tikanga, we act with integrity, we develop models of practice and living to unlock the protective potential of whānau, we drive towards wellbeing and hope.The other consistent feature is Moana's ability to form strong and lasting collaborative relationships, allowing herself to be challenged and challenging others in return so our whānau receive nothing but the best. Mauri ora Moana.

Current role:

General Manager, Oranga Tamariki: Ministry for Vulnerable Children


Profile By

Di Grennell

He Rangatira Our Leaders

Te Rukutia Tongaawhikau

Taranaki, Ngāpuhi

Māmā of two girls, working full time and always focused on equity and better outcomes for our people.

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Ngāti Mutunga o Wharekauri, Ngāti Toa, Te Atiawa, Ngāti Tama

As a mental health nurse and health consultant, Tish Siaosi focuses on incorporating Te Tiriti o Waitangi principles into her well-being support.

Kerri Butler

Ngāti Porou, Ngāpuhi

Kerri Butler is experienced in supporting and leading programmes around mental health first response and restrictive practice intervention. She sees mental health work as an opportunity to "make a difference in a field that she is passionate about."

Dr Rees Tapsell

Ngāti Whakaue, Raukawa

Dr. Rees Tapsell has been involved in developing several Māori specific approaches to the provision of mental health care for Māori in both government and NGO settings for more than 30 years.