Cazna Luke

Ngāi Tahu, Te Rarawa

Cazna Luke is committed to creating solutions that contribute to realising whānau, hapū and tribal aspirations. She has a resolute belief in and commitment to whānau driving and determining their own futures.

Rangatiratanga and whanaungatanga are the foundations of Mokowhiti Ltd, her proudly Māori and whānau-owned business, which she established in 2002. This mahi embodies the values and attributes that are important in her contribution to the betterment of Māori health and wellbeing.

Mokowhiti is focused on delivering excellent services for whānau that are Matauranga Māori driven. The mahi is structured to ensure sustainable strategic planning that will benefit future generations.

Cazna currently leads Kia Ora Hauora, a national Māori health workforce development programme and has been involved and committed since its inception in 2010.  Kia Ora Hauora is a pioneering and successful workforce development programme that recruits Māori into health career pathways, training and employment opportunities. 

Kia Ora Hauora is part of an intergenerational legacy of transformation within the health sector: previous and current generations have made space for mātauranga Māori, held space for Māori leadership, and Kia Ora Hauora supports the next generation to accelerate and amplify the potentiality of Māori leadership in the health sector.

She has been involved in setting up numerous Māori businesses and Māori development organisations, including Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu, the South Island Whānau Ora Commissioning Agency. As well as Tū Māia, a consultancy specialising in Māori leadership, innovation and venture development for profit, social enterprise, and kaupapa-driven entities.

Cazna and her husband Lee are parents to three sons Tana, Delane and Waikawau, as well as adoring grandparents to their five mokopuna Aewa Te Aotukia Ngakauroa, Amo Tawini, Kaiaio Mauri, and mahanga Kahotea Ramari and Kerei Kapene.  They live with their extended whānau in a contemporary papakainga setting in Tai Tapu, Christchurch, which is also the base for Mokowhiti Ltd.


Celebration of wāhine Māori business success

Mokowhiti consultancy

He Rangatira Our Leaders

Grace Tairua

Ngāti Kahungunu, Tainui

Grace Tairua is a wife and mother of four girls who is currently in her second year at Wintec studying for a Bachelor of Nursing.

Kirimatao Paipa

Ngāti Pōrou, Ngāti Whakaue, Ngāti Tukorehe

Kirimatao Paipa has gained a wealth of knowledge and skills from her decades of work as a family violence practitioner, Kaupapa Māori researcher, and evaluator.

Adele Hauwai

Ngāti-Kahungunu, Ngaī Tuhoe, Ngāti-Maniapoto, Ngāti-Pahauwera

Adele Hauwai is a mentor and facilitator who strongly focuses on supporting and contributing to mental health, well-being, and suicide prevention work.

Gilbert Taurua

Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Kāwa, Ati Haunui A Pāpārangi, Ngāti Pāmoana

Gilbert Taurua is deeply passionate about using a Māori perspective in law reform concerning health, justice, inequality, and prisons. Gilbert has extensive experience in Treaty of Waitangi principles, Whānau Ora, their application to health pathways, Te Reo Māori, Tikanga, and government processes.