I have had the honour and absolute privilege of knowing Terri Cassidy for over 20 years now.
Professor Papaarangi Reid
Professor Papaarangi Reid
I believe Papaarangi would describe herself as a Te Rarawa public health physician, known for her work demanding Crown accountability for Māo
Rawina Higgins
Rawina Higgins
Professor Rawinia Higgins has dedicated many years of service as one of the country's leading experts on Māori language revitalisation, specialising in Language Planning and Policy. She leads and develops many initiatives that provide better outcomes and opportunities for Māori.
Dr Rawiri McKree Jansen
Dr Rawiri McKree Jansen
Dr Rawiri McKree Jansen's mahi in hauora Māori, at both grassroots and national levels, speaks volumes about his passion for improving equity within New Zealand's health system.
Wiremu Nia Nia
Wiremu Nia Nia
Wiremu Nia Nia is a tohunga and matekite known for his mahi wairua and knowledge of traditional healing practices.
Dr Heather Gifford
Dr Heather Gifford
What is leadership, and how is it manifest in this competitive world? The challenge to write about Māori leaders is timely.
Dr Jacquie Kidd
Dr Jacquie Kidd
Jacquie is more of a quiet leader who usually prefers not to be ‘front and centre’. She was brought up in a mostly Pākehā environment but had a strong bond with her Ngāpuhi kuia (grandmother), Tirohia Amy.
Te Poa Karoro (Paul) Morgan
Te Poa Karoro (Paul) Morgan
Te Poa Karoro (Paul) Morgan is a modern Māori leader advancing his people into a more positive future carrying their history with them.
Terryann Clark
Terryann Clark
Professor Terryann Clark specialises in youth health, mental health, nursing, public health, and the well-being of tamariki me taitamariki. Her dedication lies in advocating for the health and welfare of taitamariki/rangatahi through extensive research and advocacy across various health and social concerns.
Kaniwa Kupenga-Tamarama
Kaniwa Kupenga-Tamarama
As a midwife, Kaniwa Kupenga-Tamarama is passionate about supporting women in their most vulnerable, intimate, and sacred moments.
Fiona Wiremu
Fiona Wiremu
Her focus is to help collective efforts aimed at addressing the inequities Māori and vulnerable persons experience within the existing health system.
Terry Huriwai
Terry Huriwai
Terry would like to describe himself as quiet, shy and retiring. Many of those who know him may agree. The humble, compassionate gentleman who sits