Te Rangimaria Warbrick

Rangitāne, Ngāti Rangitihi

Te Rangimaria Warbrick has over 20 years of experience in addiction and health services. His passion arises from his lived experience of addiction and the importance of including Māori cultural imperatives in delivering addiction support services in our communities. He brings Kaupapa Māori initiatives to the forefront of efforts to address the country’s mental health crisis.

Te Rangimaria recognises that most social workers, nurses, educators, and others working in the caring professions received training through a typical Western education system. Moreover, he teaches processes through which kaimahi can learn about and implement Kaupapa Māori models of practice in the mahi they do.

In recent years, he has taught the Kaitiakitanga: Postgraduate Diploma in Bicultural Professional Supervision programme offered by Te Wānanga o Aotearoa in Tauranga. The program uses mātauranga Māori as the core to teach students how to make a positive difference as kaitaiki – supervisors in their respective professions.

Currently, he is the program lead for the Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Mental Health and Addiction Counselling at Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi in Whakatāne. This diploma is designed to support the development of the mental health workforce within whānau, hapū, iwi, and other communities and industries. It provides students with advanced clinical and cultural skills to support those dealing with mental health and addiction issues.

He enjoys that students create their own mana-enhancing models of practice to support them in their professions and the mahi they do within their communities.

Ka eke ai te kōrero … tēnā tātou katoa, tēnā tātou ka toa!


Experience drives kaiako

Kaupapa Māori front and centre in new mental health training programme

Te Aroha o te Hauangiangi: Māori perspectives on healing from substance abuse 

Taming the taniwha of addiction

Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Mental Health and Addiction Counselling

Profile By

Updated 25 November 2024

He Rangatira Our Leaders

Sir Mark Solomon

Ngāi Tahu and Ngāti Kurī

Sir Mark Wiremu Solomon is widely known for his commitment and contribution to his iwi and the broader well-being of all New Zealanders and the environment. In addition, he is recognised for the attention he has brought to addressing family violence.

Sarah Kinred

Ngāti Whātua, Waikato, Ngāti Koata, Te Atiawa, Manx

Sarah Kinred is a trained teacher with over 20 years of experience teaching and creating programs for students. Sarah also has over ten years of experience working as a Mātauranga Māori specialist within mental health and addictions, and she is committed to ensuring that tino rangatiratanga and mana motuhake is paramount for Māori, especially when engaging in the health system.

Di Grennell MNZM

Ngāti Mutunga o Wharekauri, Ngāi Tahu

"Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini."

My achievement is not that of the individual but the contributions of many.

Tia Ashby

Te Rarawa, Te Aupouri, Ngāpuhi, Rarotonga, Te Ati Awa, and Ngāti Mutunga

Tia Ashby is a highly accomplished professional with an impressive health, business management, defence, governance, and IT background.