He Rangatira Leaders

Recognised for their contributions, service, vision, dedication and expertise towards constructive change and improvement to Māori health. We invite you to explore the Maori leaders who influence and contribute to Māori health and wellbeing.

Be inspired. Aspire.

Monica Stockdale

Ngāti Kahungungu

My enduring memory of Monica was sitting next to her at the bus stop outside an addiction treatment centre in the early 1980’s saying goodbye to a number of whānau who had been exited from treatmen

Ezekiel Raui

Te Rarawa, Cook Islands

Ezekiel Raui is an outstanding young man who genuinely cares about the wellbeing of youth in this country.

Dr Ihirangi Heke


Ihirangi Heke, of Tainui-Waikato descent, was raised in the South Island mountain adventure environment before it was popularly known as such. This has helped to mould his particular approach to his personal and professional life, which has seen him build a range of specialised skills, knowledge and experiences in health and physical activity.

Mike King


Mike King is a Māori leader in mental health.