Wiremu Nia Nia

Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāi Tūhoe

Wiremu Nia Nia is a tohunga and matekite known for his mahi wairua and knowledge of traditional healing practices. Nurtured and taught under the guidance of his Kuia, Te Awhimate Nia Nia in mahi wairua, and formally trained in mental health and wellbeing, he combines cultural and clinical knowledge to help bring healing and wellbeing to people.

Wiremu has taken on various roles throughout his life, including shearing, fencing, scrub cutting, and music. He is a talented songwriter and a proud Māori activist. During his teenage years, he had close ties to a gang and spent some time in prison. However, coming through this experience ignited a lasting passion for helping at-risk youth.

In 2000, he began studying Oranga Hinengaro - Māori Mental Wellbeing at Te Wānanga o Raukawa and joined the Māori Cultural Therapy and Assessment team in Gisborne. After completing his training, he relocated to Porirua to take on the role of cultural therapist at Te Whare Marie ki Puketiro. During this time, he worked as a Māori mental health provider, offering support to community members facing mental health challenges and spiritual distress.

In 2010, Wiremu approached Allister Bush, a child and adolescent psychiatrist, to collaborate on a book describing different approaches to Māori healing. The book Tatai Hono: Stories of Māori Healing and Psychiatry presents the key concepts that Wiremu applies in his work. In 2014, the unpublished manuscript won the prestigious Ashton Wylie Book Award and was subsequently published in 2016.

To this day, Wiremu continues to share his knowledge. Alongside his wife, Lesley Nia Nia, they established a school to help develop matekite and train Mahi Wairua practitioners. He also takes opportunities to present at conferences, seminars, workshops and symposiums internationally and nationally.  


Te Oro Tapu


Collaborative and indigenous mental health therapy : Tātaihono, stories of Māori healing and psychiatry

Research Gate: Wiremu NiaNia

Understanding and developing Matekite

He Rangatira Our Leaders

Maria Ngawati

Ngāti Hine, Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Porou

Maria Ngawati has always been dedicated to increasing opportunities within her community in several ways. She believes you can achieve change by using many tools and cross-sector relationships.

Grace Tairua

Ngāti Kahungunu, Tainui

Grace Tairua is a wife and mother of four girls who is currently in her second year at Wintec studying for a Bachelor of Nursing.

Chas McCarthy

Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Ngāti Haua, Te Ātihaunui a Pāpāranga, Ngati Whitikaupeka

Chas demonstrates integrity each day, and people choose to seek and follow his advice.  A leader is not measured by what they do but by others that choose to follow.

Tish Siaosi

Ngāti Mutunga o Wharekauri, Ngāti Toa, Te Atiawa, Ngāti Tama

As a mental health nurse and health consultant, Tish Siaosi focuses on incorporating Te Tiriti o Waitangi principles into her well-being support.