Tia Haira

Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Tūhourangi, Ngāti Whakaue, Ngāti Rangiteaorere

Tia Haira is a biomedical scientist specialising in chemical genetics, immunology, and biobanks within mātauranga Māori and western science systems. She is dedicated to sharing science with Wahine and rangatahi to support them in pursuing science careers.

She earned a Bachelor of Medical Science in Human Pathology and Genetics at Te Herenga Waka, Victoria University of Wellington, and completed a Master of Medical Science. For her Master’s thesis, she researched and supported using kānuka rongoā in medicine.

Currently, Tia works as the Kai Matai Hauora Science Leader at the Institute of Environmental Science and Research, where she examines the impact of science at a whānau, hapū and iwi level. She is involved in developing research with iwi on infectious diseases and rongoā Māori. She strongly advocates for Māori engagement in research and governance of data to ensure that research is focused on the needs of Māori.

Tia's current research focuses on using Mātauranga Māori to scientifically validate the medicinal properties of taonga species used traditionally by Māori to heal various medical conditions. This work is centred on recognising Māori knowledge and exploring potential economic opportunities and investments for hapū and iwi. She is also involved in restructuring current public health delivery and services by ESR to meet Māori's needs better.


Weraroa taonga species | Health Research Council of New Zealand (hrc.govt.nz)

CO: LAB profile


He Rangatira Our Leaders

Tuhakia Keepa

Te Aitanga a Māhaki, Ngāti Kahungunu, Te Whakatōhea, Ngāti Maniapoto, Ngāti Ruanui

Tuhakia is committed to supporting initiatives engaged in developing Māori communities with a passion for health, building the workforce, and sharing the value of Te Ao Māori.

Dr Ihirangi Heke


Ihirangi Heke, of Tainui-Waikato descent, was raised in the South Island mountain adventure environment before it was popularly known as such. This has helped to mould his particular approach to his personal and professional life, which has seen him build a range of specialised skills, knowledge and experiences in health and physical activity.

Simone Ada

Ngāi te Rangi / Ngāpuhi

Simone embraces this change as an opportunity to align her future career with her core values of equity, rangatiratanga, and service.

Sarah Kinred

Ngāti Whātua, Waikato, Ngāti Koata, Te Atiawa, Manx

Sarah Kinred is a trained teacher with over 20 years of experience teaching and creating programs for students. Sarah also has over ten years of experience working as a Mātauranga Māori specialist within mental health and addictions, and she is committed to ensuring that tino rangatiratanga and mana motuhake is paramount for Māori, especially when engaging in the health system.