Te Pora Thompson

Ngāti Hauā

Within the public healthcare sector, Te Pora Thompson-Evans has grounded her mahi in the vision of truly achieving Mana Motuhake. 

She has experience in research, evaluation, policy development, health literacy, and community interactions.  In 2022, Te Pora led a new initiative to boost Aotearoa's COVID-19 response and prepare for further disease outbreaks. In addition to improving the health and well-being of communities, she collaborated with other Māori leaders to prepare for future pandemics. This engagement with other Māori leaders will support and impact the future wellness of Māori. In this mahi, she emphasised the importance of connecting with and amplifying the voices and needs of taumata mātauranga.

Te Pora is currently the Director of Te Niwha, the Infectious Disease Research Platform. This platform has received a $36 million investment from the Government over three years to ensure New Zealand can provide world-class research to respond to serious infectious disease threats.

Appointed by Waikato-Tainui and Mana Whenua of Kirikiriroa and additionally endorsed by Urban Māori authority Te Runanga Ō Kirikiriroa, Te Pora served two terms as a Māngai Māori on the Hamilton City Council.  Te Pora was one of five leaders in this role. Maangai provides an Iwi and Mana Whenua-mandated voice to the community, services, and environment committee. In this position, she was accountable to Māori, whānau, and communities and advocated for their aspirations.

Te Pora holds a Bachelor of Health Science and a Postgraduate Diploma in Public Health from the University of Auckland. She also holds a Master's in Public Health with Honours.

Additional Links:

Te Pora Thompson: How will we deal with the next pandemic?

Māori wards 'natural' next step in Hamilton

Māngai Māori argue they should stay on at Hamilton City Council

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