Māia Lockyer

Ngāti Kahungunu ki Heretaunga, Ngāti Porou, Rongomaiwahine

Māia Lockyer is currently a 3rd-year medical student at Ōtākou Whakaihu Waka, the University of Otago.

Alongside her studies, Māia also works as Tumuaki CEO for Te Oranga ki Ōtākou (TOKŌ), the student-operated association for Māori Medical Students within Otago Medical School. The association operates in collaboration with Te Oranga, the national Māori Medical Students' Association, which offers support and advocacy for Māori students throughout their time in Medical School.

The association also provides platforms and opportunities for the discovery and further development of identity and belonging within both the Medical world and Te Ao Māori. 

In her role as Tumuaki at TOKŌ, Māia ensures that things run smoothly behind the scenes, advocates on behalf of TOKŌ members, and ensures that they work with the Medical School to provide the safest possible environment for students learning and fostering their future.

She also serves as Ōtepoti teina on Te Oranga, the national executive committee for Māori medical students across Aotearoa.


He Rangatira Our Leaders

Wi Te Tau Huata

Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairoa, Ngāti Kahungunu ki Heretaunga

The myriad of stars glimmer down across the dark night

The radiant light of the full moon shines brightly

Genevieve Simpson – Te Moananui

Ngāti Hako, Ngāti Tamatera and Ngāti Maru

In her work, Genevieve is committed to bridging the inequity gap between Māori and non-Māori, particularly in secondary mental health services; she would also like to see Māori whanau overrepresented in education and underrepresented in all other negative statistics.

Patrick Le Geyt

Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāti Apa

Patrick Le Geyt has over 25 years of experience working in health and disability in the commercial, public, and not-for-profit sectors.

Chris Ranui-Molloy

Ngāti Manawa

Having personally experienced severe addiction and depression, anxiety, homelessness, incarceration, and Chris is now dedicated to supporting others struggling with drug and alcohol dependency an addictions practitioner and creative therapy consultant.