Leilani Maraku

Ngāti Raukawa

Leilani Maraku develops and delivers Kaupapa Māori Mental Health and Addiction peer support services across the Manawatū region, supporting adults, youth, and their whānau. Driven by a deep passion for this field, she ensures that changes in the health sector align with the well-being needs of Māori. Her commitment extends to amplifying the voices of Tangata Whaiora and their whānau, ensuring they are integral to shaping the future of healthcare.

Currently, Leilani serves as the Manukura (Chief Executive) for Mana o te Tangata Trust, a Kaupapa Māori Mental Health and Addiction Peer Support Service operating in the Manawatū, Tararua, and Horowhenua districts.

In her previous roles at Te Rau Ora as the Innovations Director and Pouwhakahaere for Te Kete Pounamu, Leilani played a pivotal role in amplifying the voices of Māori with lived experience at regional, national, and international levels.

Leilani also served as team leader for Peer Support and Addictions in Te Ūpoko Peer Support and Addictions, where she focused on addressing drug and alcohol addiction as well as mental health challenges within the community and among inmates at Manawatū Prison. Her approach is grounded in partnership, walking alongside individuals to empower them with tools and resources, rather than prescribing solutions.

Leilani is also an active member of several influential groups, including the Te Kete Pounamu National Rōpū, Central Region Mental Health & Addiction Lived Experience Partnership Rōpū, Central Region Mental Health and Addiction Leadership Rōpū, and Te Kauae Raro Rōpū with Te Pou.

Her moemoeā (vision) is to ensure that Whaiora and their whānau take the lead in their journey toward mauri ora (well-being and vitality), supported by a strong foundation that enables them to thrive and achieve their full potential.


Mana o te Tangata – Meet our Kaimahi

The Journal of Indigenous Wellbeing – Te Mauri Pimatisiwin Abstract: A Māori Health Workforce with Lived Experience, Volume 7, Issue 1, May 22, 2024

Ministry of Health|Manatū Hauora: Te Apārangi: Māori Partnership Alliance membership 

Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission – Expert Advisory Group, 1 October 2020

Health Quality Safety Commission Te Tāhū Hauora Health Presentations from the second learning session for Connecting care: improving service transitions Leilani Maraku Chief Executive Officer, Mana o te Tangata Trust and mental health and addiction (MHA) quality improvement programme consumer advisory group member 

Drug Foundation Call To Action – Kaupapa Māori Statement: Transforming Māori outcomes through regulating cannabis

Te Waka Whaiora Profile – Leilani Maraku

Te Pou Our People Leilani Maraku

Profile By

Updated 8 Jan 2025

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