Hata Temo

Ngāi Tūhoe

Ko Maataatua te Waka

Ko Maungapōhatu te Maunga

Ko Hinemataroa te Awa

Ko Tūhoe te Iwi

Ko Ngaati Tawhaki, Ngaati Rongo, me te Maahurehure ngā hapū

Growing up in Rūātoki, Hata Temo preferred hunting in the forests and spending time with his whānau to being in school. He finished school at around 13 years old and moved to Murihiku in 1959 to join the freezing works there. Hata was always reminded at an early age from his kaumātua the role in sharing his knowledge of te reo Māori me onā tikanga and has always shared this as a follower of the Ringatū faith.

He was instrumental in setting up the kōhanga reo in Murihiku as well as Ōtepoti and provided awhina and manaaki for the spiritual needs of tūroro Māori in the public health system as part of the Te Oranga Tonu Tanga team at Wakari Hospital.

Hata is currently the Kaitohutohu Māori within the Office of Māori Development at Te Whare Wānanga o Ōtākou. He is known by everyone there as ‘Koro Hata’, supporting the kaimahi, tauira, and manuhiri of the university to make sure everything is tika and everyone is kept safe.  He joins Science Wānanga around the motu to ensure our tauira coming through to University are exposed to sciences and te taiao. 

Prior to working at the University of Otago, Ngāi Tahu established a Kaiāwhina Māori role at the hospital which was offered to Koro Hata.  Following on from that mahi he continued to support the medical students at Te Whare Wānanga o Ōtākou, with part of his role spiritually cleansing the tūpāpaku and assisting in lab spaces to ensure tikanga Māori is observed.

Hata hopes to change the narrative for those who view universities as a space only for people with qualifications, and wishes to help others see that there are many roles within tertiary education. He has found his role within the university and wants to encourage others to follow their passion and skills to find theirs.

Hata is Kaumātua in various spaces, for Whare Tukutuku, the National Addiction Centre that sits within the korowai of Te Rau Ora , the Otago Coastal Area Police, New Zealand Principal’s Federation, and Ageing Well National Science Challenge.

Whakaruruhau Ltd a whānau owned not for profit whare, provided services to whānau based on values of manaakitanga, whanaungatanga, wairuatanga.  Hata Temo was Director, Kaumatua and Cultural Advisor.  Amongst many free services for whānau offered, Koro Hata would led hikoi in the ngāhere for whānau and community groups.  His interest and knowledge of Rongoa Māori (Māori medicine) is shared with whānau.  His love of mahinga kai is also well-known and his secret spots for kai gathering are always sought after!

Outside of his mahi, Hata enjoys hunting, fishing, diving, and gathering kai.  This includes eeling with his nets which were particularly useful during the covid lock downs for continued sustenance.  He also has horses with whānau that are used to hunt.


Waka Huia 2016 Hata Temo a Tūhoe man in the deep south

Hard work and sacrifice celebrated at ceremony


He Rangatira Our Leaders

Sarah Kinred

Ngāti Whātua, Waikato, Ngāti Koata, Te Atiawa, Manx

Sarah Kinred is a trained teacher with over 20 years of experience teaching and creating programs for students. Sarah also has over ten years of experience working as a Mātauranga Māori specialist within mental health and addictions, and she is committed to ensuring that tino rangatiratanga and mana motuhake is paramount for Māori, especially when engaging in the health system.

Cyrus Rudd


Cyrus Rudd is a promising young individual who is deeply committed to using his knowledge and experiences to inspire and uplift others, especially those with lived experiences of mental distress.

Tracee Te Huia

Te Pōpoto, Uri Taniwha, Ngāti Rehia, Ngāti Kapotai ngā hapū Ngapuhi te Iwi He whāngai hoki ahau ki Ngāti Kahungunu ki Heretaunga

Tracee Te Huia has an explicit knowledge and understanding of the health and social atrocities related to Maori in Aotearoa.

John Whaanga

Ngāti Rākaipaaka, Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāti Rongomaiwahine

John Whaanga is of Ngāti Rākaipaaka, Ngāti Kahungunu and Ngāti Rongomaiwahine descent. He is known for his work in Māori health, Māori education, and iwi development.