Harley Rogers

Ngāti Raukawa ki Waikato, Ngāti Kea Ngāti Tuara ki Te Arawa

Harley Rogers is a senior health professional who has worked in community, primary, and secondary health. He values good strategic planning, inspiring and courageous leadership, manaakitanga, kotahitanga, and having katakata.

He began his career in health by studying Health Sciences and then transitioned into strategy and project roles. Harley’s transition into large-scale health project leadership is supported by his experience and expertise as a qualified carpenter and construction manager.

Currently, Harley works as the Director of Commissioning – Primary and Community at Te Aka Whai Ora|Māori Health Authority. In this role, he leads the commissioning of Hauora Māori Primary and Community Care Services, which involves planning, funding, national procurement, contracting, relationship maintenance, provider support and advocacy.

He supports the broader organisational focus on leading and monitoring transformational change for the hauora and wellbeing needs of whānau Māori. Before that, he was the programme lead for Nōku te Ao, Like Minds programme. A nationwide programme to end prejudice and discrimination against people with experience of mental distress.

Harley serves on the Board of Trustees of Te Paepae Arahi. This board is responsible for maintaining a healthy and strong support system for the organisation, including aligning with the aspirations of whānau and the communities they serve and support.

Harley is a fearsome advocate for health and social equity and a relentless ringa wera for the rights of future generations.


He Rangatira Our Leaders

Samantha Feeney

Te Rarawa, Te Aupouri

Sam is committed to advancing equitable health and education outcomes for Māori students and their whānau. 

Dr Dale Bramley

Ngā Puhi, Ngāti Hine, Te Whānau-ā-Apanui

Dale is equally comfortable in many different environments whether it be on the Marae or in the Boardroom, in clinical settings or with government ministers and business partner. 

Terry Huriwai

Ngāti Whakaue, Ngāti Pikiao, Ngāti Porou

Terry would like to describe himself as quiet, shy and retiring. Many of those who know him may agree. The humble, compassionate gentleman who sits behind the glasses has supported the addiction se

Associate Professor Leonie Pihama

Te Ātiawa, Ngāti Māhanga, Ngā Māhanga a Tairi

Leonie is a leading kaupapa Māori educator and researcher, well-known in our communities. She graduated with her MA (1993 First Class Hons) and PhD in Education (2001) from the