Grace Tairua

Ngāti Kahungunu, Tainui

Grace Tairua is a wife and mother of four girls, currently in her third year of a Bachelor of Nursing at Wintec, with one semester remaining.  In her future nursing career, she plans to focus on Māori health in a GP setting, serving her community in Raahui Pookeka and working collaboratively to improve the health of Māori whānau. 

Grace grew up witnessing her mother constantly suffering from health problems and then spending the first year of her second child's life in and out of the hospital. During this time, she saw firsthand the vital role nurses play within the community and decided to acquire the skills needed to contribute to the community through the healthcare system.

Throughout her studies, Grace has been part of the Tihei Mauri Ora stream, which focuses on improving Māori health outcomes in the community by integrating Māori customs and protocols. This stream provides additional support through a manaaki care model rooted in Māori culture.

Grace believes it is important to have Māori Healthcare Professionals caring for Māori and have pathways encouraging more Māori to pursue nursing. In her future career, she plans to work alongside Māori families and advocate for their health and well-being. She also hopes to support children and be a health advocate for tamariki.

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Updated 11 November 2024

He Rangatira Our Leaders

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Ngāti Porou, Ngāpuhi

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My achievement is not that of the individual but the contributions of many.

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Te Ātiawa, Te Ātiawa, Taranaki, Taranaki, Ngāti Awa, Ngāti Awa

Titiro! Titiro ki te maunga tiitoohia, Runga o Parihaka. Ko Ngaati Moeahu me Puketapu ngaa hapū.