Carleen Heemi

Te Whakatōhea

Carleen Heemi plays a pivotal role in her community as a Speech and Language Therapist, advocate for normalising Te Reo Māori and seeing all those around her reach their full potential. 

Carleen grew up in Wairau, Blenheim, and has since returned to her hapori as a dedicated Speech and Language Therapist for Te Mahau.  Carleen is also working as a Project Advisor for the current review of the Speech and Language Therapy Accreditation Framework for the New Zealand Speech and Language Therapy Association.

Carleen actively contributes to the Omaka Marae branch of Te Roopu Wāhine Māori Toko I Te Ora (Māori Womens Welfare League), a revered organisation established in the 1950s.  Te Roopu Wāhine Māori Toko I Te Ora serve as spearheads, inspiring and resilient women who advocate for Māori wahine and their whānau. 

Supporting Māori Women to find their voice and use it, develop partnerships with other organisations who align with our goals, engage in positive initiatives, advocate for indigenous women all over the world, hold the government to account to uphold Te Tiriti o Waitangi and believe in the potential of all.

Carleen is privileged to be a part of this kaupapa.  


An auntie network like no other

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Updated 7 November 2024

He Rangatira Our Leaders

Dr Rees Tapsell

Ngāti Whakaue, Raukawa

Dr. Rees Tapsell has been involved in developing several Māori specific approaches to the provision of mental health care for Māori in both government and NGO settings for more than 30 years.

Tish Siaosi

Ngāti Mutunga o Wharekauri, Ngāti Toa, Te Atiawa, Ngāti Tama

As a mental health nurse and health consultant, Tish Siaosi focuses on incorporating Te Tiriti o Waitangi principles into her well-being support.

Dr Leanne Te Karu

Ngāti Rangi, Te Ati Haunui-a-Pāpārangi, Muaūpoko

Leanne works tirelessly across many domains to improve Hauora in its fullest definition.

Boudine Brown

Waitaha, Kāi Tahu

Becoming a doctor has always been Boudine's dream, and the chance to give back to her community drives her. Her journey has been made possible through the support of her whānau and generous scholarships.