Aroha Ruha-Hiraka

Ngāti Awa, Ngai Tūhoe, Te Arawa, Tūwharetoa

Taurangi te kupu whakaari, he mana tangata, he one matua

As a registered nurse prescriber, Aroha Ruha-Hiraka is passionate about Te Ao Māori and applying her knowledge of Te Ao Māori into practice. Te reo me ōna tikanga is the foundation of her nursing practice and forms the basis of her delivery of health services for whānau.

In 2017, Aroha graduated from Awanuiārangi kaupapa Māori nursing degree as a registered nurse. The tikanga Māori component of her degree helped her gain the confidence to apply Māori frameworks into practice when working with whānau. Growing up with Te Reo as her first language and through kōhanga reo and kura Kaupapa, Aroha believes health interventions are already within pūrākau and traditional Māori practices.

As a new graduate nurse, Aroha was named the 2018 joint winner of the national Young Nurse of the Year Award. The New Zealand Nurses Organisation's annual award celebrates nursing at an excellent level and recognises that recipients have reached a high level in their everyday work. She was nominated by her employer, where she worked as a new graduate, for her competent use of te reo me ōna tikanga in practice.

Aroha is studying to become a Nurse Practitioner and plans to continue working amongst her whānau, hapū and iwi in the Eastern Bay of Plenty. Te Kura Maengenge, watch this space.


Te Ōhanga Mataora: Bachelor of Health Sciences Māori Nursing

Young Nurse of the Year sets sights on doctor's degree

Ko Te Reo o Tēnei te Tāhuhu whare

He Rangatira Our Leaders

Professor Papaarangi Reid

Te Rarawa, Te Rarawa

I believe Papaarangi would describe herself as a Te Rarawa public health physician, known for her work demanding Crown accountability for Māori Health Inequities.

Kim Hinetotorirangi Kaua Whaanga-Kipa

Rongowhakaata, Te Aitanga a Mahaki, Rakai Paaka, Kahungunu, Rongomaiwahine, Ngāi Tāmanuhiri

Kim was born and grew up in Rongowhakaata (Gisborne) and had the pleasure of being surrounded by many generations of whānau.

Hon Dame Tariana Turia


Few people can deal with pressing problems in the present and, simultaneously build platforms relevant to the future. Tariana Turia has shown how both are possible. Well before entering Parliament, she fostered community cohesion and responsiveness to adversity and disadvantage. She did so in a manner that led to strong, sustainable leadership within her whānau, hapū and iwi and helped generate greater awareness for health and the positive roles communities might play.

Louise Leonard

Ngā Puhi

Passionate about mental health and addiction nursing and the role of Nurse Practitioners, Louise believes in making a difference in the lives of tangata whaiora and whanau who face substance-related harm and co-occurring mental and physical health challenges.