Adele Tohiariki

Ngāi Te Rangi, Te Whānau a Apanui

Adele Tohiariki is an aspiring Māori medical practitioner and champion for Māori representation in the health sector.

She is currently in her third year of a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery at Te Whare Wānanga o Otāgo, University of Otago and has already gained a Bachelor of Health Science with a major in Māori health.

Combining her skills and knowledge from both degrees, she hopes to one day work as a practitioner “who has both the biomedical understanding but also the deeper knowledge of public health” and provides culturally responsive health practices when working with Māori individuals, whānau, communities, organisations, and populations.

Adele also gets to study alongside her older sister, who is studying fifth-year medicine at the University of Otago.

In 2022, Adele received a Māori Health Leadership Scholarship from Te Rau Ora. This Scholarship aims to support and develop the Māori who are dedicated to making a difference in the health workforce using te ao Māori values.

She also received the Hoe Tahi Addiction Scholarship from Te Rau Ora for those intending to complete a qualification that contributes to minimising addiction-related harm. This scholarship supports the addiction treatment workforce by growing the abilities of those studying and gaining skills to reduce addiction-related harm.

Adele also uses her adult diagnosis of ADHD as a rewarding opportunity to understand better what it is to navigate the health system as a neurodivergent person and what it takes for her to thrive in tertiary studies. She also actively focuses on caring for her mental health through creative outlets such as gardening and weaving the korowai she started for her whānau.

Through her work on the Māori medical student’s executive – Te Oranga Ki Ōtakou, Adele seeks to provide opportunities for tauira Māori to engage with te ao Māori through creative kaupapa like raranga, or whakawhanaungatanga programmes like Whakatipuranga, a tuakana-teina programme between student year groups.


He Rangatira Our Leaders

Maria Ngawati

Ngāti Hine, Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Porou

Maria Ngawati has always been dedicated to increasing opportunities within her community in several ways. She believes you can achieve change by using many tools and cross-sector relationships.

Louise Ihimaera

Whānau-ā-Kai, Ngāti Kahungungu, Whakatohea, Ngāti Porou

Passionate about quality Māori mental health and addiction services, innovative workforce programmes, solutions-focused and absolutely determined are the words that first come to mind about Louise. 

Dr Lance O’Sullivan

Te Rarawa, Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Maru

Lance O’Sullivan is and has been my mentor for the past five years. Lance’s best qualities for me as his mentee is his ability to be enthusiastic, passionate and his drive to complete a job.

Rutu King-Hazel

Ātiawa ki Whakarongotai, Ngāi Tahu, Te Atiawa, Tūhoe

Rutu King-Hazel is an aspiring mental health advocate and catalyst for positive change. She is passionate about public speaking, empowering others, and demonstrating compassionate leadership to support the well-being of whānau.