Carlton Irving has worked in paramedicine, emergency management, and advisory roles with the goal of creating better health support for Māori.
Te Pora Thompson
Te Pora Thompson
Within the public healthcare sector, Te Pora Thompson-Evans has grounded her mahi in the vision of truly achieving Mana Motuhake.
Michelle Mako
Michelle Mako
Michelle Mako provides leadership and quality advice to support successful outcomes to eliminate inequities in cancer outcomes.
Donna Blair
Donna Blair
Ahakoa he iti, he pounamu
Dr Candy Louise Ramarihi Hera Cookson-Cox
Dr Candy Louise Ramarihi Hera Cookson-Cox
Dr Candy Louise Ramarihi Hera Cookson-Cox has been my mentor, colleague and friend for over twenty years, the first Māori nurse to gain a doctorate in education, a rarity in the early 2000’s
Dr Chellie Spiller
Dr Chellie Spiller
Chellie is a passionate and committed advocate for Māori business development.
Diane Koti
Diane Koti
Diane Koti is an expert in Indigenous development, Kaupapa development, Kaupapa Māori Research, psychology, and mental health. She is a passionate leader who works for fair, holistic, and whānau-centred health outcomes.
Kiriana Bird
Kiriana Bird
Dr Kiriana Bird is passionate about health, equity and Māori wellbeing.
Dr Wayne Ngata
Dr Wayne Ngata
Wayne Ngata is a strong supporter of the revitalisation of te reo Māori and education models that are underpinned by Māori processes.
Di Grennell
Di Grennell
Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini.
Andre McLachlan
Andre McLachlan
For many years now Andre has led kaupapa Māori based workforce development by contributing to the advancement of innovative and dynamic kaupapa Māori based therapeutic resources.
Juanita Te Kani
Juanita Te Kani
Juanita is a strong believer in working in partnership to influence change and encourages a collective approach to achieving equity in hauora outcomes for Māori. As the Deputy Chief Executive – Systems, Strategy and Policy at Te Aka Whai Ora, she is responsible for developing policy and strategy advice to improve hauora Māori outcomes.