For many years now Andre has led kaupapa Māori based workforce development by contributing to the advancement of innovative and dynamic kaupapa Māori based therapeutic resources.
Juanita Te Kani
Juanita Te Kani
Juanita is a strong believer in working in partnership to influence change and encourages a collective approach to achieving equity in hauora outcomes for Māori. As the Deputy Chief Executive – Systems, Strategy and Policy at Te Aka Whai Ora, she is responsible for developing policy and strategy advice to improve hauora Māori outcomes.
Marihi Langford
Marihi Langford
Marihi Langford combines her experience in management and leadership with her passion for supporting others who suffer from mental health and addiction issues.
Professor Sue Crengle
Professor Sue Crengle
Much of her work involves identifying where and how Māori health inequities occur and testing ways to eliminate these inequities.
Dr Jordan Waiti
Dr Jordan Waiti
Jordan is working with the future. He has a PhD, and like many people, he can do the theory, but what sets him apart is his ability to work at the marae with whānau and hapū.
Tuari Potiki
Tuari Potiki
Tuari Potiki exemplifies leadership.
Lisa Cherington
Lisa Cherington
Lisa is driven by her passion for working with tamariki and rangatahi and utilising narrative therapy deriving from our mātauranga Māori knowledge base.
Jade Sewell
Jade Sewell
Jade works to drive transformation and innovation within the current health system so that the hauora aspirations of communities are realised.
Tane Cassidy
Tane Cassidy
Tane Cassidy has worked in health marketing, funding, and policy development.
Gina Blaize Chaffey-Aupouri
Gina Blaize Chaffey-Aupouri
Throughout her career, Gina has provided extensive healthcare Māori health education and shared her knowledge of tikanga across the Tairāwhiti area.
Chris Webber
Chris Webber
Having a strong value base, being committed to what they mean and never giving up also supports Chris in actualising his aspirations.
Hemaima Hughes
Hemaima Hughes
Hemaima Hughes, of Whakatohea and Ngapuhi descent, is a mother of five, the nanny of six mokopuna, an independent nurse consultant, and an experienced clinician and educator.